barry manilow at the end of the game awesome game
barry manilow at the end of the game awesome game
hey matt!
nice game dude, but can i have a downloaded version? it wont cause keys to stick and it will run faster
This game is hilarious, so is the music, and when u get all 12 people, all you hear is a victory sound and ur still on the cross XP. btw onpon4, dont rate if you dont like it
Sweet game dude
Nice game but I hope we could move around like a real rpg next time:P and use ur awesome 8 bit peeps xD. oh and to intel47: (cough) its because your computer is a wooden piece of shit. so dont complain how it doesnt work. that is all
This game is awesome! And dont let dicks like kr8to tell u otherwise. its just perfectly awesome ^_^
love it
This...is....awesome.....and i love how ronald mcdonald shits out infected big macs. xD
AWE WHYD U MAKE LINK THE BAD GUY >_< makin me sad man. lool good episode
nice game
and again, like the bitmaps of rpg maker vx, i liked how u made the game a bit longer xD
xD good game
I liked how you made the bitmap images with the rpg maker vx. Good choice and good game. Just try to make it a bit longer
Sweet man! Having Nothing
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Joined on 7/25/07